Watch (Notevember 2021, #8)

By Jonathan R

“But, sarge, I’m on first watch.”
“Never mind that, Houndsley. Private Barker will relieve you.” The sergeant turned to a nervous-looking terrier standing a few paces away. “Up you go, boy.”
“Yes, sir. I mean, yes, sergeant!” yapped Barker, setting off up the ladder at speed.

“Well, Houndsley?”
“What’s this about, sarge?”
“Can’t say. The lieutenant didn’t see fit to tell me.

Spirit (Notevember 2021, #6)

By Jonathan R

The forest makes a place for her. A nest of soft moss and heather. “Welcome,” it whispers. “Welcome, once again, Mother-Who-Travels, Lady-Who-Sees.”

Suits (Notevember 2021, #2)

By Jonathan R

D: Alright, boys, this is it. It’s happening.
H: You okay, man?
D: Yeah, just a little nervous.
S: Chill. Everyone knows you guys make a fine pair…