Dizzy (Notevember 2020, #19)

By Jonathan R

“Well, see, whatcha got here is yer standard case of dimensional shift in the support beams, to which the whole shebang is liable to follow, y’follow?”
“Um, dimensional shift?”
“Yup, that’s right…

Armor (Notevember 2020, #14)

By Jonathan R

The tiny knight knelt down in front of me.
“My name is Sir Ferric Robichaud. I shall protect you from all harm. I swear this upon my life and the good name of House Robichaud!”

Dunes (Notevember 2020, #13)

By Jonathan R

It was here, my child – though you will not believe it – it was here that life began. Not life like you and me, no. What was born here was not human or animal, but gods…

Slippery (Notevember 2020, #12)

By Jonathan R

– It looks kinda steep though, doesn’t it?
(Naw, man, it’s fine. I’ve done it loads of times.)
– How many is loads?
(Like, loads, y’know. Many.)
– I dunno, isn’t it slippery?

Disgusting (Notevember 2020, #11)

By Jonathan R

“Look, is this the first time you’ve summoned a human?” I asked my hosts.
The demons exchanged a long, yellow-eyed look before turning back to me. “No”, they said in unison.
“It is, isn’t it?”

Potion (Notevember 2020, #4)

By Jonathan R

“Hortense?” The Witch called for her apprentice. “Hortense!” Sigh. Where had she gone off to this time?
“Yes, mistress?” came a belated response, along with a ruddy face peering in…

22 – Eldritch in Suburbia

By Jonathan R

I never would have expected it of my neighbors. Don’t get me wrong, I respect everyone’s right to practice their religion, but you’d think adults would have more sense than this. Did they learn nothing from reading Lovecraft? Or just the wrong things? Here’s how it happened. There was a big commotion about ten in…