Leak (Notevember 2021, #23)

By Jonathan R

“Hortense, did you – and I’m not angry if you did – but did you break this Potion of Ocean?”
“No, mistress. And you would be angry if I did…

Fuzzy (Notevember 2021, #21)

By Jonathan R

The dockhand laughed in my face.
“You can’t be serious?” He laughed again. “You foreigners will believe anything, won’t ya? What’s next, you want to hunt the Midwinter Rabbit, too?

Roof (Notevember 2021, #13)

By Jonathan R

The giant turtle let out something between a groan and a hiss. She was none too pleased, and more than willing to show it. Millicent nearly fell off…

Pick (Notevember 2021, #10)

By Jonathan R

Her shoulders and arms already ached like mad, and her brother’s were sure to do the same, but they had cut more than halfway through the stem by now. In for a penny, in for a pound, as the Big Folk said.

Watch (Notevember 2021, #8)

By Jonathan R

“But, sarge, I’m on first watch.”
“Never mind that, Houndsley. Private Barker will relieve you.” The sergeant turned to a nervous-looking terrier standing a few paces away. “Up you go, boy.”
“Yes, sir. I mean, yes, sergeant!” yapped Barker, setting off up the ladder at speed.

“Well, Houndsley?”
“What’s this about, sarge?”
“Can’t say. The lieutenant didn’t see fit to tell me.

Spirit (Notevember 2021, #6)

By Jonathan R

The forest makes a place for her. A nest of soft moss and heather. “Welcome,” it whispers. “Welcome, once again, Mother-Who-Travels, Lady-Who-Sees.”