Candle (Notevember 2020, #10)

By Jonathan R

Flicker, flicker, candlelight
Shine in shadows, shifting
Soot is thicker than the night
On the currents, drifting
Hollow hands will grasp you tight…

Herbs (Notevember 2020, #7)

By Jonathan R

I remember the smell of my grandmother’s kitchen
Remember the scent of my grandfather’s beard
I remember the perfume, so stark and bewitching
Of garlic and savory steaks being seared
I remember the tea brewed from something called tilia…

The Darkest Hour (Notevember 2020, #3)

By Jonathan R

I climb up the mountain, in ritual garb
Once white, now full dusty and rent
My legs have been torn by the plentiful barbs
That grow on this path of ascent
I yearn for the summit, I long for the peak

Fish (Notevember 2020, #1)

By Jonathan R

I mustn’t eat it – this I know
Because my Master told me so
“This here is Bubbles. He’s my fish”
“He is a friend – not Kitty’s dish”
So I resolved to undertake a mission…

23-31 – Blank

By Jonathan R

  A blank space here for all the stories that never were. A moment of silence for those not lost but never found. Drops in a sea of nothing-sound. A white expanse for words unwritten, poems unspoken An audience’s hush still unbroken Songs unsung and strings unstrung and threads unspun to literary gold. A blank…