Tempting (Notevember 2022, #25)

By Jonathan R

Ugh, mimes
The perfect metaphor, aren’t they?
Pushing against invisible things
Conjuring obstacles for themselves out of thin air
Trying to fit into made-up boxes

Ponytail (Notevember 2022, #19)

By Jonathan R

Heroic of stature (and sometimes of deed)
My knight goes a-questing, and I am his steed
I gallop away with the utmost of speed
We go to the aid of a lady in need

Salty (Notevember 2022, #17)

By Jonathan R

One would think ‘large’ and ‘elusive’
Are mutually exclusive
But ‘largely elusive’ implies ‘somewhat known’
Told, more often than shown
Imagined, embellished, countless rumours sown
Everyone with a version of their own