Dream (Notevember 2023, #1)

By Jonathan R
art by Omniiac (click image)

Make me all manner of magical things
I’ve imagined a million marvels, at least
Cut from the curious cloth that I caught
Brazenly billowing, brought
On the breeze
Without wings
Fashion me fanciful fairytale fluff
I can form into fantasy, fiction diverse
Morphing in moments to match my design
Dare I declare it divine…?
Don’t disperse
In a puff!
Flowed through my fingers, and flashing in flight
I feel foolish for forcing this phantom to flee
Gone, as if grasping it granted escape
Jarring, a jest or a jape
Mocking me
In the night
Drifting in darkness ‘til day relieves dawn
I’ve determined that dozing is done, and I think:
Curse that contraption, curtailing my quest
For restoration and rest
But I blink
And I yawn
And my body may be weak and tired
But, damn it, don’t I feel inspired?