Notevember 5: The Writening

By Jonathan R

It's the most writingful (?) time of the year!

That’s right, Notevember is here. (Well, not quite yet.) I’m on the lookout for Inktober artists with art to share. Tell a friend!

Already know what Notevember is all about? Go to the blog to check the entries.

Want to contribute your art? Message me here or on social media before the end of November. 

What the heck is Notevember, you ask? Info below.

What's this Notevember thing you (somehow) heard about?

Notevember (“November” + “note”, like in music or writing a note) is the exhausting creative task I set myself in November, every year since 2019. Artists who participate in Inktober let me use their art as inspiration for my writing. I then create short stories, poems and songs. One per day, every day, though the month of November. These are the rules I abide by for the project:

  1. One piece of writing per day. The inspirational art may be viewed beforehand, but only a cursory glance is allowed.
  2. Write/sing/play/record and publish the piece all on the same day. No more than 24 hours can be spent on any single song/story/poem.
  3. Match day to day, i.e. Inktober art from October 3rd can only be used as inspiration for creations on November 3rd. Last post on December 1st, of course.
  4. Only use art with the artist’s consent, and credit the artist according to their preference.
  5. Publish it online. This stuff should be seen and heard, not hidden away from the world.

Anything special about Notevember #5?

This year I’m invited to attend a four-day wedding (not my own!) at the end of November. That means a few days when I can’t fit any writing in. Therefore I will start early – probably the last week of October. Other than that, all rules apply. Blog posts will still start on November 1 and finish on December 1, as usual.

Where can you find the songs, poems and short stories?

Primarily on the blog, where they are tagged “notevember 2023”. Songs are uploaded to my Soundcloud as well.

Notevember stuff from editions 1-4 can be found here (2019)here (2020)here (2021) and here (2022).

Once Notevember 2023 has started, the first entry will be available here.