Bouquet (Notevember 2022, #6)

By Jonathan R

A courier knocked and said “these are for you”
And gave me a bushel of flowers
Addressed from that guy who, on date number two
Had talked of “our” life plans for hours

Flame (Notevember 2022, #5)

By Jonathan R

“Don’t go back yet again”
You tell me I don’t remember the half of it
The good seared into my skull
The bad drifted away like ash on the wind
Toxic nostalgia

Scallop (Notevember 2022, #4)

By Jonathan R

Who dwells in the dark, in the dull-water deep?
Who sneaks in to stab you as soon as you sleep?
Who hunts in the headlands, a hook in his hand?
It’s Man-Scallop, hybrid of ocean and land!

Bat (Notevember 2022, #3)

By Jonathan R

“Blood of Christ. I would like a dose, please,” said the bat. “I’ve brought the raw materials in trade. I’m not asking for handouts or anything.”