Ponytail (Notevember 2022, #19)

By Jonathan R
art by aMoltenBrain (click image)

Heroic of stature (and sometimes of deed)
My knight goes a-questing, and I am his steed
I gallop ahead with the utmost of speed
We go to the aid of a lady in need
We come to a tower, my master dismounts
He climbs up a cascade of hair, golden-bright
I wait for an hour – yes, I’m keeping count
They must be quite busy, the princess and knight
Whatever the reason for all this delay
I’m bored, so I graze, and then wander away
I glance at the tower that rises adjacent
A slender construction, though stable-ly masoned
And what do I spy on the terrace above?
The fairest of fillies, methinks I’m in love!
Maybe she’s a mare? Well, who cares? I don’t care!
I ask her to send down her ladder of hair
“Raponyzel, Raponyzel, please send down your mane!”
She looks rather stunned, then says: “Are you insane?
“To start off, it isn’t my mane, it’s my tail
“And you, Master Charger, are certain to fail!”
“Not so,” I assure her, “my lady, not so!
“I’ve conquered all obstacles, slain every foe
“That my master Knight and I swore to defeat
“No quest can be given that we can’t complete
“I’ve trampled a dragon, I’ve leapt across fires
“I’ve run up the stairs of the tallest of spires
“I’ve carried my master o’er mires and rooves”
“Yes, all that’s impressive…” she responds
“… but you can’t climb with hooves.”