Armadillo (Notevember 2022, #15)

By Jonathan R
art by J. Lynne Moore (click image)

Have you heard of the were-armadillo?
He was recently sighted out west
There were tracks found outside Hermosillo
But the rumors are being suppressed!
Now, “what rumors?” you ask, and that proves it!
It’s an evil conspiracy, son
It’s a government task force that moves it
They control it, then hide what it’s done
With the ‘dillo, I think you can reason
That’s the reason I call him a ‘him’
He ain’t clever – that’s as it may be, son
But there’s a difference ‘tween “deadly” and “dim”
Now when it turns all human, it’s feral
That’s the reason I call it an ‘it’
If it sees ya, you bet you’re in peril
And you’re like to get clawed up or bit
But the were-armadillo’s a victim
Yes, they force him to murder and maim
I’m the fella on whom they first sicced him
But the creature seemed harmless and tame…
‘Til the full moon was clouded no longer
And the creature turned into a man
It turned taller, and wilder, and stronger
Yes, I only survived ‘cause I ran!
Now they dragged it out here to Sonora
When the moon is full, he’ll be released
Ain’t you wondering what it’s all for, huh?
Well, the were-armadillo’s diseased
Yup, I say it’s a leprosy study
A weaponized form being spread
Oh, don’t worry about me, now, buddy
It ain’t touch me, or else I’d be dead
“The dumbest conspiracy ever”?
Whatcha mean, it all makes perfect sense!
We’ll just see if you’re feeling so clever
When I turn up with clear evidence
Now what’s that about “quit the peyote”?
Are you mocking me, son? Get correct!
Shut your mouth now, and eat your elote
You should treat your grandpaw with respect!