Match (Notevember 2022, #8)

By Jonathan R
art by aMoltenBrain (click image)

Oh what a bright idea
Having them over for tea
Just you and me and them
Two sets of twos
All fine and dandy
Until all hell breaks loose
Never before have I been called hot-headed
But this is exactly the outcome I dreaded
I don’t mind your dad being quiet
And he seems to think I’m charming
But hoo boy did you understate your warning
About your mama
Scratch queen – she’s the very mother of drama
So I lost my temper
I can’t be loving and tender all the time
If I crossed the line
It’s because she thundered across it first
I think we’re over the worst of it
She’ll get over it
So will you
This is only strike one, isn’t it?
Just let me cool off a bit
And I’ll come back in
I’m still fuming
And you don’t want to be in the same room as me
For now
Tomorrow you’ll tell me she deserved it
And I’ll tell you I love you
And everything will be alright