Gear (Notevember 2022, #30)

By Jonathan R

Fossil-fuelled heart for a grey dinosaur
Slick as petroleum, that’s what you are
All that you stand for, it makes my blood boil
How can’t you see blood is thicker than oil?

Uh-oh (Notevember 2022, #29)

By Jonathan R

It had been a disastrous week. Literally – with news of local flooding. Figuratively, too; Denise had dumped me on Monday, moved out by Wednesday, and on Thursday morning I discovered someone had rear-ended my car.

Snack (Notevember 2022, #27)

By Jonathan R

One more walk in the snow
I can feel your trepidation coming closer
One more breath, then I go
It’s the hardest thing to know that it’s all over

Tempting (Notevember 2022, #25)

By Jonathan R

Ugh, mimes
The perfect metaphor, aren’t they?
Pushing against invisible things
Conjuring obstacles for themselves out of thin air
Trying to fit into made-up boxes