Crispy (Notevember 2021, #28)

By Jonathan R
art by Jack Tickle (click image)
This is the sequel to “Fish”, from 2020.

The fuck is this? The fuck is that?

One rule for man, and one for cat?

Of course this choice of meal has me quite troubled

Since it suggests your standards must have doubled

I know it’s not that fish – it died

And this one’s bought and battered, fried

When I ate Bubbles (normal for a kitty)

you said – I quote verbatim – “That was shitty”

If we were in a court of law

Then I would raise my right front-paw

and say “Your honor, this whole situation?

A textbook case of cat discrimination!”

“I’ll prove my Master is corrupt,

with mine own eyes, I saw he supped

on breadcrumb-covered, oily bits of seafood…

When he had claimed it could not even be food!”


Your innocence, which was presumed,

disproved by that which you consumed

And then your whole defense is doomed

Collective gasps will fill the room!

The judge will launch into a diatribe!

To think, you’ll suffer hisses, jeers and gibes

Your reputation quite destroyed – but it’s a fate you can avoid:

I just might be amenable to bribes…

So share and share alike with me for now,

and I won’t speak a word, not even “meow”