Loop (Notevember 2021, #19)

By Jonathan R
art by Chicken (click image)

I recognize this corridor
That checkered pattern on the door
That rugged mat and slanting floor
I feel it in my feet

I feel like I’ve been turned around
Like down is up and left is down
Like nothing’s right, not sight nor sound
And life is on repeat

It’s a peculiar house, designed
by… M.C. Escher comes to mind
Where time and space are not aligned
There’s constant déjà vu

What a familiar corridor
And ugly mat, and horrid floor
Haven’t I been here once before?
How did I make it through?

For more Notevember entries on warped time and space, check out “Tick“, “Dizzy“, “Cassie P“, and “Eldritch in Suburbia“.