Knot (Notevember 2021, #4)

By Jonathan R
art by Anna Motz (click image)

I don’t just love you for your brains
Your body or your heart
It’s easy to love someone
Who is beautiful and smart

I love the many things in you
that others may detest
I love that you came back
when we had both been laid to rest

I love your imperfections
Every wound and pus-filled boil
I love how you’re so dirty
Every stain of graveyard soil

Despite the fact we’ve bit the dust
(and people, too, I guess)
You still look great, you rock the look
Of undead, shambling mess

I love your moves, that even
rigor mortis could not spoil
I’ll waltz with you, now we
have shuffled off this mortal coil

I love that after all we’ve done
And all we have been through
That you still love me
Every bit as much as I love you

I had a feeling in my gut
that we would tie the knot
I love the knowledge that together
we’ll grow old and rot

And best of all, my dear, my sweet
My soulmate, oh, my heart
Is death did come, and yet,
Not even death could do us part