Armor (Notevember 2020, #14)

By Jonathan R

The tiny knight knelt down in front of me.
“My name is Sir Ferric Robichaud. I shall protect you from all harm. I swear this upon my life and the good name of House Robichaud!”

Dunes (Notevember 2020, #13)

By Jonathan R

It was here, my child – though you will not believe it – it was here that life began. Not life like you and me, no. What was born here was not human or animal, but gods…

Slippery (Notevember 2020, #12)

By Jonathan R

– It looks kinda steep though, doesn’t it?
(Naw, man, it’s fine. I’ve done it loads of times.)
– How many is loads?
(Like, loads, y’know. Many.)
– I dunno, isn’t it slippery?

Disgusting (Notevember 2020, #11)

By Jonathan R

“Look, is this the first time you’ve summoned a human?” I asked my hosts.
The demons exchanged a long, yellow-eyed look before turning back to me. “No”, they said in unison.
“It is, isn’t it?”

Candle (Notevember 2020, #10)

By Jonathan R

Flicker, flicker, candlelight
Shine in shadows, shifting
Soot is thicker than the night
On the currents, drifting
Hollow hands will grasp you tight…

Herbs (Notevember 2020, #7)

By Jonathan R

I remember the smell of my grandmother’s kitchen
Remember the scent of my grandfather’s beard
I remember the perfume, so stark and bewitching
Of garlic and savory steaks being seared
I remember the tea brewed from something called tilia…