Shoes (Notevember 2020, #29)

By Jonathan R
art by Belinda Vetesi

The Fairy Godmother had not expected her protegée to be such a difficult customer. This girl, especially, should have been grateful for whatever splendour she could get. But no, she had to be particular about it. “Blue dress” this and “four-horse carriage” that – those were easy enough to handle. A need for glamour was quite reasonable, given the occasion. But this latest demand was nowhere near sensible.
    “Cindy, love, I’m telling you: glass slippers are a terrible idea”, she tried to convince the girl. “For one thing, you’re certain to slip. You won’t be a very graceful dancer if you’re constantly struggling to stay on your feet. And what’s worse, they’re liable to break. Some party that will be, feet full of glass shards.”
    “But I want them to sparke, Fairy Godmother. I want them to shine!” Cinderella almost broke into song. It was an awful habit, really, and not the least bit helpful.
    “I can just add sequins. As many as you like. Or a golden buckle. Are you sure none of these will do?” The Fairy Godmother showed Cinderella her designs again. “If you’re dead set against high heels, I have these slippers lined with sable fur. Very chic! They’ll turn back into martens again, none the worse for wear.”
    The girl just shook her head. “No! I said glass slippers, and I want glass slippers! Why don’t you just magic me up a pair?”
    “I’m trying to tell you, darling. You’ll end up with a sprained ankle at best, and traumatic exsanguination at worst. I do have some experience in these matters, you know. It’s not my first rodeo, err, royal ball.”
    “Well, it is mine, and I want it to be perfect”, the girl whined. “Maybe you will understand if I explain with a song?” Cinderella cleared her throat.
    “Cindy, no.”
But it was too late. Cinderella let her clear soprano flow, back by a chorus of mice, sparrows and, surprisingly, a fat toad. “How do all these critters keep showing up like this?” the Fairy Godmother found herself wondering, and not for the last time. Cinderella sang:
    “Please bring me slippers, fashioned from glass.”
And the Fairy Godmother filled in “I’d rather slip her a smack on her ass.” Sotto voce, of course.
    “STOP IT, GIRL! Fine! I’ll give you your glass slippers. But on your head be it!”
    “No, Godmother”, replied her god-daughter. “On my feet, silly!”
    “Oh dear”, thought the enchantress. “She has ‘pretty’ down, to be sure, but I certainly hope the Prince doesn’t require his Princess to be clever as well.”