Chef (Notevember 2020, #22)

By Jonathan R
art by Hilda Hultqvist

Recipe for totally normal human food soup

by Human (not cat)


  • 1 potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 pieces of meat, one set aside for cat
  • Water
  • Salt

Tools required:

  • knife
  • pot
  • stove
  • human
  1. Wash your hands. This is important because you have been petting your cat. (If you have not, make sure to pet your cat first.)
  2. Peel everything that needs peeling. Pet everything that needs petting.
  3. Chop the onion. This will make you cry. To get happy again, try petting your cat.
  4. Slice the carrot finely. Or coarsely, it doesn’t matter.
  5. Cut the potato into bite-size pieces.
  6. Now is a good time to take a paws. Why not scratch your cat’s chin meanwhile?
  7. Slice half the meat into potato-chunk-size pieces, and the other half into tiny pieces.
  8. Bring a pot of water to the boil. This may take some time, during which your cat is sure to require attention. Give it the finely sliced meat. If you are a vegetarian, give it the rest of the meat too (shame to let it go to waste).
  9. Salt the water and toss all the remaining ingredients in. Wash your hands again, which you probably forgot to do. Since you’re at the faucet anyway, you might as well pour a bowl of water for your cat.
  10. Wait for the soup to finish cooking. If only there were something you could do while you’re waiting…
  11. Dinner is ready! Well done, you deserve a treat! (So does your cat.)
  12. Meow.