Slippery (Notevember 2020, #12)

By Jonathan R
art by Anneke Lisa

– I can do this.
(Yeah, you can.)
– I know I can do this.
(For sure.)
– Easy-peasy, herring-squeezy.
(It’s in your blood, bro.)
– It’s in my soul.
(Damn straight!)
– Alright, here I go.
– It looks kinda steep though, doesn’t it?
(Naw, man, it’s fine. I’ve done it loads of times.)
– How many is loads?
(Like, loads, y’know. Many.)
– I dunno, isn’t it slippery?
(Duh. That’s the point.)
– But I might… slip.
(And slide. Exactly.)
– Can’t I just lay down on my stomach and do it, like always?
(Bro, I’m telling you, it’s not the same.)
– Honestly, I’m not in a rush.
(No, the rush in in you…)
– Deep.
(Thanks, I just felt it and went with it.)
– That explains so much.
(So… you going or what?)
– Fine! Fine. On three. One.
– AHH I HATE YOU SO M— *splash*
– Holy snowballs that was AWESOME!
(I know, right?)
– My feet are sorta burning though.
(Okay let’s go get some fish.)
– Psh, not likely. I’m going again! Peace!