The Darkest Hour (Notevember 2020, #3)

By Jonathan R
art by Eva Stéphane

I climb up the mountain, in ritual garb
Once white, now full dusty and rent
My legs have been torn by the plentiful barbs
That grow on this path of ascent
I yearn for the summit, I long for the peak
My thoughts have grown sluggish, my body is weak
But I have a duty, a prayer to speak
A woeful and weary lament

I kneel on the altar, I lower my head
I lay my arms flat on the stone
I doubt I could rise now, my flesh is like lead
And cold on the heavenly throne
I recall my mission, the moment has come
I speak my petition, though my tongue is numb
But find myself wishing that I had kept mum
For fear I’ll be made to atone

A great plague of darkness has swept my abode
I wonder if I am to blame?
I fiddled too deeply with power that flowed
And lo, what a judgement there came!
A silence that rode on the wake of a surge
In moments your Light from my household was purged
My wife offered up a most heart-wrenching dirge
For though Light did return, to my shame –
       My house is since then not the same…

O Lord of Connection, O great ISP
My internet access is lost
O Lady of Lightning, Electricity
Restore it, no matter the cost!
No fee is too hefty, no price is too steep
And naught I can give is too dear now to keep
Three nights I have suffered, unable to sleep
Three nights I have turned, I have tossed

The Lord manifested quite near me at once
And next to him, lo and behold
The Lady – the pair were like shimmering suns!
In costumes of sable and gold
The radiance rippled about her –
She spake such that no man could doubt her:
“Have you tried to restart your router?”
I honestly thought that she trolled.

(It turns out I hadn’t.
So now that it’s fixed,
What say you to chilling,
And netting some ‘Flix?)