Shoes (Notevember 2020, #29)

By Jonathan R

“Cindy, love, I’m telling you: glass slippers are a terrible idea”, she tried to convince the girl. “For one thing, you’re certain to slip. You won’t be a very graceful dancer…

Buddy (Notevember 2020, #25)

By Jonathan R

“Even if I do remember, how am I supposed to make the gestures?”
“What? Just copy the doorman.”
“Copy? You dof? I got no opposable thumbs, bru.”

Dig (Notevember 2020, #24)

By Jonathan R

“Hi there, boy. Whatcha up to?”
“Uh, hi yusself. Woof. Just digging.”
“Any particular reason?”
“Yeah, naw, I jus’ reckon someone oughta do it”…