Notevember returns!

By Jonathan R

Oh dear, it's happening again...

It’s time for another round of – drumroll, please – NOTEVEMBER! That’s right, Notevember has returned for a second round. And this time around, it’s going to be on time! *gasp*

As Inktober 2020 was coming to an end, I started planning for the second edition of Notevember. The first one was a chaotic affair which dragged out over several months, finishing in May. So I was determined to get it right on the second try. Spoiler: mission accomplished.

Scroll to the bottom of this post if you have no questions and just want that sweet, sweet Notevember juice.

What is Notevember?

Notevember is when I use other people’s Inktober art as inspiration to write short stories, poems and songs every day in November. The rules are as follows:

  1. One piece of writing per day. The art may be viewed beforehand, but only a cursory glance is allowed.
  2. Write/sing/play/record and publish the piece all on the same day. No more than 24 hours can be spent on a single post.
  3. Match day to day, i.e. Inktober art from October 3rd can only be used as inspiration for creations on November 3rd. Last post on December 1st, of course.
  4. Only use art with consent, and credit the artist (duh).
  5. Publish it on the interwebs. This is not meant for gathering dust in a desk drawer.

What's new for round two?

This time the featured art has been donated by ten artists, most of whom are also indie game developers. Their names are:
Also new for Notevember 2020 is that I’ve done all the music recording myself, as I no longer have easy access to the eminent Adam Bow, who assisted me last time. All the songs for 2020 were recorded in my bedroom, on one mic, and thrown together in a hurry. As always, take them as demos rather than full productions.

Stuff to read and listen to? Where?

If you glanced at my Facebook or Soundcloud pages at all during November, chances are you have already come across this year’s entries. Now they are collected in their entirety, all 31, on this website. Start with the first one, “Fish”. Or just look for anything tagged “notevember2020” on this blog. Everything from the first edition of Notevember can be found here as well, tagged with “notevember2019”.

As always, don’t be shy in telling me what you think. Thanks for visiting. And last, but not least, please enjoy!