11 – Snowed in with a guest

The snow is falling fast out there
A million whirling flakes
And though inside is toasty warm
I would much rather brave the storm
Than brave this big, brown bear
How did he get in through the door?
And why is he awake?
I’m sure that brown bears hibernate
Perhaps this one is fashionably late
Or just likes to explore?
In any case, it seems he’s sat
down to enjoy the fire
My home, I guess, is now his nest
And I am snowed in, with a guest
Who took my welcome mat…
…to be an open invitation
for an occupier
So now he shares my cosy nook.
It’s quite the situation
He gave me such a nosy look
When I pulled down my favourite book
From the crowded shelf
I couldn’t keep it to myself.
We’re sitting here, my bear and me
Reading novels, drinking tea
And sharing hibernation