10 – Flicker

There it is again!
That strange pattern on the wall
only comes once a flicker
Shifting shadows
to make space for other things
Moving dead silence aside
so the noises have a place to linger
Don’t you see? Don’t you hear?
No, he says, my friend
No, I do not hear at all
Just your loud, racing ticker
and the sad woes
coupled with imaginings
Fuelled by the violence inside
Where the worries have a place to linger
What’s to see? What’s to hear?
But surely you notice a shape in the void?
Right at the edge of the light?
It’s pulsating like it’s alive!
Can’t you see? Are you blind?
It is real, I am certain
that something’s amiss
You know that you’re sounding a tad paranoid?
Perhaps we should call it a night?
These manifestations will thrive
if you don’t calm your mind.
It’s the wind in the curtain;
That’s all that it is.
Nothing more dangerous in here than me, my friend.
Oh yes, that’s what I’m starting to comprehend…