4 – Winter Drum

DISLAIMER: I am a songwriter first, and singer a very distant second. This song (like most I write) was not written to fit my own vocal register. Props to Adam Bow for helping with recording, mixing, and making it sound as good as it does. Lyrics, vocals and guitar by me, studio magic by Adam (https://twitter.com/adambowmusic).
My hands grow cold and my fingers numb
Beating on the winter drum
Waiting for the wind to come
and sweep away the light
The North and East bring gale and snow
To quiet the beasts and things that grow
It’s now at least nineteen below
All gone from grey to white
The birds have fled to southern climes
The bear sleeps in her den
We will stay and bide our time ‘til it’s right –
You’ll know when
For in that moment, so it’s said
Your voice will carry down to the dead
Then we will pack our sleekest sled
and head out into the night
Aurora ripples in green and pink
The stars that stipple the night sky blink
and this is harder than I dared think
My heart sinks as we arrive
The lake is calm as I break the ice
You hold out your hands, I hold the knife
We speak the words and I make the slice;
I shudder as you dive
The birds have fled to southern climes…
For in that moment, so it’s said
Your questions carry down to the dead
and they will speak what lies ahead
in answer to those alive
The trade is made, the deal is sealed
The priced is paid and the fates revealed
Most wondrous knowledge is ours to wield;
A trophy borne of our quest
Though I would like to linger some,
the voices of many singers hum,
and fingers tap the winter drum,
calling to the southwest
The birds have fled to southern climes
The bear sleeps in her den
We will stay and bide our time ‘til it’s right
once again
But the solstice price seems much too steep
And now I find I cannot sleep
I think of you, lying in the deep,
and neither of us rest
My hands grow cold and my fingers numb
Beating on the winter drum
Hoping for the springtime sun
to clear the night away